Pokemon Snap, Apple Lootboxes, Super Collider & Cyberpunk 2077 featuring Stephen from Sigmate Studios & Comics2movies

This week, Deviboy returns from his exile, and Stephen from Comics2Movies and XCT joins us to discuss a new comic.

Devi brings news from the far off land of Nintendo. It's time to get your cameras out for the New Pokemon Snap. Apart from Nintendo's hopeless naming, it's shaping up to be an expanded photography game for the new generation. We all hope they fit in the fun easter eggs and interactions.

Oh no, Loot Boxes! Apple are being taken to court for exploiting children via the App Store. We think we've got a solution to the problem too, so be ready to send us your opinions on the system.

Supercollider? I hardly know her! CERN are designing a 100km collider almost 4 times the size of the Large Hadron Collider. The LHC failed to open a portal to hell and lead to a demon invasion, but maybe the Future Circular Collider will. Somebody get Doomguy on speed dial.

Cyberpunk 2077 is delayed again, but to tide us over until the release a comic series titled Trauma Team. This also gives it the accidental honour of being the first piece of Cyberpunk 2077 to release. Until then, keep working to create a hyper corporate dystopia so we can all live out our Cyberpunk fantasies.

In gaming, Professor went up against space card sharks in Star Realms, Deviboy relived his childhood in Raze 2 and Stephen fell in love with Hearthstone.

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Episode 30: GTA Online Cheats, SCUM, Cyberpunk 2077

GTA Online cheat program blocked

- http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/324784/US_judge_blocks_sale_of_GTA_Online_cheat_programs.php

SCUM the game

- https://www.polygon.com/2018/8/27/17786564/scum-survival-game-preview-twitch

All things Cyberpunk 2077


Games currently playing

DJ ‘s game

- Guns of Icarus Online - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guns_of_Icarus_Online

Buck’s game

- Hyperdrome - http://hyperdrome.game/#1

- Fallout Shelter - https://www.falloutshelter.com/

Professor’s game

- Fallout the board game - https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/232918/fallout

Other topics discussed

SCUM on Steam

- https://store.steampowered.com/app/513710/SCUM/

More info on Cyberpunk 2077

  1. Game overview - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberpunk_2077

  2. Summary of the gameplay video - https://www.pcgamer.com/everything-we-know-about-cyberpunk-2077/

  3. Computer Specs - https://www.gamesradar.com/cyberpunk-2077-release-date-trailer-gameplay-new/

  4. More details about the gameplay video -http://uk.businessinsider.com/cyberpunk-2077-gameplay-demo-e3-details-release-date-2018-6?r=US&IR=T

  5. Message from the Cyberpunk 2077’s game director - https://www.cdprojekt.com/en/media/news/cyberpunk-2077-gameplay-reveal-and-message-from-game-director/

  6. Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay reception - https://wccftech.com/cdpr-comments-on-cyberpunk-2077-gameplay-reception/

  7. Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer option - http://www.gosunoob.com/cyberpunk-2077/3rd-person-coop-multiplayer-will-it-happen/

Black Desert MMORPG

- https://www.blackdesertonline.com/remastered?trcode=Ga2100&lang=en&utm_source=google&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=20180822_remaster&utm_content=banner_rem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlpDTkcKU3QIVB5iWCh0LCgpZEAEYASAAEgKBJvD_BwE

Firefly board games

- https://boardgamegeek.com/geeksearch.php?action=search&objecttype=boardgame&q=firefly

Fallout New California

- https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/256481/fallout-new-california

- https://boardgamegeek.com/image/4227794/fallout-new-california

Firefly Adventures: Brigands and Browncoats

- https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/231991/firefly-adventures-brigands-and-browncoats

Firefly: Fistful of Credits

- https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/169502/firefly-fistful-credits

Margaret Hamilton

- https://www.i-programmer.info/history/people/10030-margaret-hamilton-apollo-and-beyond.html?start=1

Hidden Figures movie

- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Figures 

Shout Outs

Jacksonville shooting

- http://time.com/5378639/madden-shooting-jacksonville-florida/

“Weird Al” Yankovic given a Hollywood star

- https://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/entertainment/weird-al-yankovic-honoured-with-hollywood-star

Sharks attack the internet

- http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/08/15/shark_attacks_threaten_google_s_undersea_internet_cables_video.html

Famous birthdays

Katherine Johnson's 100th birthday - Mathematician on the Apollo project - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nasa-human-computer-katherine-johnson-100th-birthday-a8509031.html?utm_source=reddit.com

Events of interest

Aug 26, 1959 - Mark 1 mini makes its debut - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mini-makes-its-debut

Aug 27, 1883 – Krakatau explodes - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/krakatau-explodes

Aug 29, 74 - Eruption of Mount Vesuvius - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/vesuvius-erupts

Aug 28, 1963 – Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have A Dream’ speech - https://www.history.com/topics/i-have-a-dream-speech

Aug 27, 1979 – Lord Mountbatten killed by IRA - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mountbatten-killed-by-ira

Aug 28, 1845 - First Issue of Scientific American hits newsstands - http://gratefulamericanfoundation.com/facts/what-three-major-scientific-events-occurred-today/

Aug 27, 1955 - The Guinness Book of Records debuts - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/the-guinness-book-of-records-debuts


Artist – MusicCoriAnder

Song Title –  Dr Who Dance Remix

Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzbkWCOUfzw

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