Psychedelic States, Traits and Fates

A Psychedelic PODCAST

Psychedelic States, Traits and Fates is a podcast which will explore the transcendental and transformative states of consciousness people experience under the influence of the ancient and powerful psychedelic plants. It will focus mainly on the realms of experience opened by the natural plant hallucinogens including, but no limited to, psilocybin mushrooms and the DMT containing ayahuasca brew.

These sacred plants when used in a respectful and ceremonial manner show a remarkable capacity to trigger profound and mystical experiences in humans. Some recent scientific studies have shed light onto the amazing therapeutic potential of these substances. The firsthand testimonies of the individuals who have used these compounds confirms beyond doubt their incredible power to transform and enlighten human consciousness.

The psychoactive compounds found within these sacred plants produce some of the most profound, confounding and deeply therapeutic experiences available to humanity.

The life changing experiences offered to us by these plant compounds lay at the very heart of the religious impulse and many other mystical and spiritual practices held sacred by humans throughout the ages. During the discussions with my guests I hope to explore the subjective accounts of those who have courageously opened themselves up to this other dimension of experience and examine the insights and lasting effects these profound encounters have had on their hearts and minds.

In the exploration of the testimonies offered by my guests and I, attention will be paid to communicating the necessary precautions and examining the risks and potentially negative effects these experiences can cause, particularly when these incredibly powerful plants are used without the respect and reverence they demand.

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