Skin, Dwarf Fortress & Arkham Knight

Welcome back and hello to the new listeners, we hope everyone is having fun and taking care of themselves. So, this week we find out that there is a new electronic skin developed from the National University of Singapore. We discussed how it can be applied in the real world, trust me this will make you laugh, the possibilities are endless. Although we really like the idea of a window for submarines with a heads up display, that would be cool.  Next up we look at an indie game called Dwarf Fortress from two brothers and how their model might rival the triple A game studios. This is a game that embraces the gaming community and encourages players to develop extra content and share it online. Lastly, we look at the transition of a video game character now appearing in DC Comics known as the Arkham Knight. This not the first time that has happened as Marvel has done it before but obviously DC will do it better. As usual we have the regular list of shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, and events of interest. As usual we have a lot of fun bringing you this latest episode of mayhem, so settle in with a cup of earl grey hot and a biscuit while we bring you some of the news this week in Nerd pop culture. Remember, take care of each other and stay hydrated.

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