
This week on Dungeon Deep Dive, we spill the beans (or the froth all over your pants, if you're Danaë) on how to accurately and interestingly include breweries and alcohol of all kinds in your worldbuilding.

If you like mead, beer, Bacchus, drunken revelry, drinking horns or blue honey, then you're going to love this episode. This week on Dungeon Deep Dive, we spill the beans (or the froth all over your pants, if you're Danaë) on how to accurately and interestingly include breweries and alcohol of all kinds in your worldbuilding. Everyone knows that one bard who's always roaring drunk, or that rogue who sulks in the shadows of every tavern with a goblet in hand. Keep your players on their toes with our help, as we explore the LIT history of humanity and our perpetual drinking problem, before turning to common brewery features and set-ups you might encounter in your own world. Then we'll demonstrate a boozy encounter of our own, complete with a new blue mead that's causing the villagers to disappear from town...right after we crack open some honey mead to try ourselves, of course. Sit back and relax with your drink of choice (unless you're driving of course!) and get ready to deep dive into every Australian's favourite pastime...alcohol.