Basic First Aid with Janani Jeganathan

Remember when we had to do life saving in PE? Or those first aid courses? Yeah, me neither. Which is why I think this is one of the most useful episodes we have made so far. Click through to see the most researched show notes I have ever done. There are numbers for non-emergency medical services for every state and territory, mental health help lines, Priceline first aid kits, and more! If you have any services to contribute, find our Facebook group and we can start a thread!

Janani is a final year med-student and soon to be trainee doctor. She is a wonderful human who is quite literally making the world a happier, healthier place. Neither of us are experts on the subject of health (yet), but we’ve done a lot of reading and research to put this together for you. J more so than me, but still. We had a lot of fun making the episode, and I hope you feel a bit more capable at the end of it.

Keep well,


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