Was Harry an accident?

Reeah and Jem go completely off the rails and talk mostly about the state of the world and their own personal takes and only a bit about whether or not the boy wizard Harry Potter was a planned baby or a happy accident.

EPISODE NOTES: The website/list that Reeah referenced can be found here: https://wehavekids.com/having-baby/Most-Common-Reasons-Why-People-Want-Children

A That's Not Canon Production. Find out more: https://thatsnotcanon.com/home

Logo by wingedcorgi. Find more of her art at wingedcorgi.tumblr.com

Contact us:

Website: https://thatsnotcanon.com/podcastnineandthreequarterspodcast

Email: nineandthreequarterspodcast@gmail.com 

Tumblr: podcastnineandthreequarters.tumblr.com 

Instagram: www.instagram.com/podcastnineandthreequarters/ 

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Twitter: Jem - @Jem_JustJem and Reeah - @SmashMouthReeah

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(100% of Patreon and Redbubble donations will be donated to Foodbank Australia for the forseeable future.)

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Email: nineandthreequarterspodcast@gmail.com 

Music: 'Hedwig's Theme' by John Williams

Logo by wingedcorgi. Find more of her art at wingedcorgi.tumblr.com

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