Why are love potions sold in joke shops?

Jem lives like a hairless mole in the ground and Reeah gets very angry at the system as both sisters try to figure out why love potions are treated like jokes.   Shownotes: ‘A Cauldron Full of Hot Strong Love’ by abidil https://archiveofourown.org/works/12256968/chapters/27852360 ‘The Trouble with Love Potions in Harry Potter’ by Jamie W https://thats-normal.com/2013/11/love-potions-in-harry-potter/ ‘The Unexpected Way Harry Potter Perpetuates Rape Culture’ by Emma Lord https://www.bustle.com/articles/159287-the-unexpected-way-harry-potter-perpetuates-rape-culture   Contact us: Email: nineandthreequarterspodcast@gmail.com Tumblr: podcastnineandthreequarters.tumblr.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/podcastnineandthreequarters/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/PodcastNineAndThreeQuarters/ Twitter: Jem - @Jem_JustJem and Reeah - @SmashMouthReeah Logo by wingedcorgi. Find more of her art at wingedcorgi.tumblr.com This week’s intro music was ‘Wizard Wheezes’ by Nicholas Hooper, and our outro music was ‘Hedwig’s Theme’ by John Williams.

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Email: nineandthreequarterspodcast@gmail.com 

Music: 'Hedwig's Theme' by John Williams

Logo by wingedcorgi. Find more of her art at wingedcorgi.tumblr.com

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