Peter Dupas

Peter Dupas is one of the most horrific and violent serial killers in Australian history. When Nicole Patterson’s brutally mutilated body was discovered on April 19, 1999, the police followed a trail of breadcrumbs that led them to Peter Dupas’ door. The sheer brutality of Nicole’s murdered indicated to police that she was not Dupas’ first victim, so they cracked open the cold case files and looked backwards to any cases that contained Dupas’ horrific signature – the removal of his victim’s breasts.

Peter Dupas was convicted for the murders of Nicole Patterson, Margaret Maher, and Mersina Halvagis. He is a suspect in a further three murders. Peter Dupas was a violent offender with a long history of violent crimes against women spanning back to the 1970s.

Margaret Maher and Mersina Halvagis were both murdered in 1997, a year after Peter Dupas had been released from prison following a charge of false imprisonment after he had violently attacked a woman and held her at knifepoint. Their cases were unsolved for nearly two years. He was convicted of both murders, appealed both, and was successfully granted a retrial for the case of Mersina Halvagis, which occurred in 2010 and resulted, again, with Dupas being found guilty. For nearly forty years Dupas was allowed to terrorise women in Victoria as he was released time and time again for rapes that eventually escalated into murder.

Countless police officers and psychologists identified that Peter Dupas had a violent hatred of women and was pathologically unable to stop committing these crimes. Without question, three women would still be alive today if the system had kept Dupas behind bars.

Some sources for your pleasure:

Firstly, you can check out the solid Murderpedia entry here

Some real serious journalism about the case can be found here – a long and thorough read

If you prefer to watch your facts, you can’t go past a slightly dodgy rip of Crimes That Shocked Australia on Youtube

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