Every week the players of Law & DISORDER pitch the Dungeon Master their NPC ideas and he HAS to pick one of them to DUN DUN DUUNNNNN... make canon. So let us know if you have any recommendations for us, OR if you would like to submit art, OR if you have you own NPC ideas for us to consider!
So, without further ado, let us introduce The Great Gazzzzzzzool!
This was the open-source image inspiration for this week, if you have artwork that you would like to submit just send us a link on twitter, facebook or email!
The Great Gazzzzzzzool
The Genie Gazzzzzzzool runs the famed magical show known as the Swinging Blade in the borough of Undernoon. He has been doing so for many years and has a reputation of being both firm in his keeping of tradition and of vast showmanship when it comes to his performances. His heart is purely after an outlet to showcase his power minus the usual bloodshed that would normally come with it. - SEBASTIAN
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Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber