Epigraphy 19 The Berkshire Ladys Garland Part Two read by Zane C Weber

Part II

Showing the Lady's letter of a challenge to fight him upon his refusing to wed her in a mask, without knowing who she was.

Night and morning, for a season,

In her closet would she reason

With herself, and often said,

'Why has love my heart betrayed?

'I, that have so many slighted,

Am at length so well requited;

For my griefs are not a few!

Now I find what love can do.

'He that has my heart in keeping,

Though I for his sake be weeping,

Little knows what grief I feel;

But I'll try it out with steel.

'For I will a challenge send him,

And appoint where I'll attend him,

In a grove, without delay,

By the dawning of the day.

'He shall not the least discover

That I am a virgin lover,

By the challenge which I send;

But for justice I contend.

'He has caused sad distraction,

And I come for satisfaction,

Which if he denies to give,

One of us shall cease to live.'

Having thus her mind revealed,

She her letter closed and sealed;

Which, when it came to his hand,

The young man was at a stand.

In her letter she conjured him

For to meet, and well assured him,

Recompence he must afford,

Or dispute it with the sword.

Having read this strange relation,

He was in a consternation;

But, advising with his friend,

He persuades him to attend.

'Be of courage, and make ready,

Faint heart never won fair lady;

In regard it must be so,

I along with you must go.'

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