Fifty-Fourth Amendment - Island Hopping

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week.

Pop quiz! Who gave away some of their nation to an ally for seemingly no reason?

Who restricted car use during a zombie apocalypse?

And, who built a massive navy in lieu of cleaning an oil spill?

Hint: it was these three jerks.


The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Fifty-Third Amendment - Dead Bodies Everywhere

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week.

Quick game: Guess which host gave the government full access to every dead body?

Which country built floating sky palaces?

And which country legalised drugs in all sports?

If you guessed all three good job, you're probably smarter than our hosts.


The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Fifty-Second Amendment - Swim Between the Flags

Zombies, Zombies everywhere but not a drop to drink. Close enough right?

Our leaders continue to deal with the worldwide zombie apocalypse all while dealing with issues of dental hygiene, dams and national identity.

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Fifty-First Amendment - Plains, Strains and Automobiles

With the appearance of a worldwide zombie outbreak, our leaders are faced with the thankless task of fixing their nations issues while juggling the global flesh-eating threat.

Featured in this episode:

Andrew focuses on a public discrimination issue, Sebastian on road safety laws and Zane on an upcoming world summit.

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Fiftieth Amendment - End of an Era, Season One Finale

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. It is the end of our first season! This week we discuss and/or argue about how far our nations have come and where we are heading in the future!


The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Forty-Ninth Amendment - Corporate Dog-House

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about... 


The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Forty-Eighth Amendment - Sweet Slurs and Vinegary Tears

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about Free Speech. 

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Forty-Seventh Amendment - Show Me The Money

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about Currency.

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Forty-Sixth Amendment - We Are Just Trying to Help

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about welfare. 

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Thirtieth Amendment - Lesser of Two Evils

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about Evil. 


The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Twentieth Amendment - Sexy Times

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about sex!


The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Tenth Amendment - Sans Charity

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about charities, among other things. 


The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Forty-Fourth Amendment - Digital Dukes

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about... 

Starting his quadrilogy of the Future, Zane tackles the idea of uploading the consciousness of his citizenry to the cloud.

The Babe Ruth of Beatdowns Sebastian is faced with issues of serfdom and nobility. Will he take a knee or laugh off their high-end request.

The children scouts of the Andrewpolia are seeking funds to continue their hobby - after turning to the government for help... well, we all know where this is going.

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Forty-Third Amendment - Culling the Numbers

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about... 

Due to a lack of voter turnout, The Phenomenal One, Sebastian must address the issue of how to decrease his national political apathy.

Zane takes a look at his judicial system after a botched trial to see whether or not he can fix the failings of a jury-based trial.

After a series of attacks by a foreign animal (who remains unchecked by any natural predators) - Andrew must once again turn to eugenics to sort out this problem on a genetic level.

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Forty-Second Amendment - Right to Censor

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about... 

After being accosted by a legion of angry taxi drivers, Zane must make a decision on the future of ride-sharing services.

Andrew argues the merits of child beauty pageants (or lack thereof). Will he allow children to continue to compete in pole dancing competitions or will he restrict their parents' freedom of choice?

Sebastian deals with the legal times in which risque material can be shown on television. Will he adopt a show all policy or will he keep early viewings smut-free?

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Forty-First Amendment - Death and Destruction

Trigger Warning: Today's episode touches on a few issues which may be deemed as sensitive to some listeners including mass shootings, euthanasia, and the death penalty.

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about... 

Sebastian v The NRA - how will Sebmerica go in this topical issue. Will he promote the wider use of guns or ban them?

Andrew tackles the use of euthanasia in his hospitals, will he support it or will he pull the plug on the whole thing.

Zane weighs up what the most practical and efficient execution technique is and how to implement it.

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Thirty-Ninth Amendment - Love Thy Neighbour

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about... 

In one corner we have an overtly atheist nation, in the other corner we have over a thousand years of traditional practices. Zane versus the church, who will win?

Seb always considered taxes the way a citizen could give a warm thankful hug to its government. But it turns out rich people hate paying them. Who knew?

Andrew has guests over for dinner. And by guests, we mean several thousand refugees. Will he be a gracious host or will he close the kitchen early?

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Thirty-Eighth Amendment - Sad State of Governments

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about... 

Andrew turns away from disability care to something more important - the training and care of his nations pigeons.

Zane tackles the issue of mental health - will he go with the warm blanket of government support or will he leave their needs to charitable organizations.

Seb found out his politicians have been living the high life on the taxpayers' dollar, will he crack down on their benefits or will he turn the other cheek (and pad his own wallet)?

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Thirty-Seventh Amendment - Swallow Your Pride

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about thinking beyond your own interests.

Sebastian answers the most important question of all. What wins in a fight, a vat of acid or parliament?

Zane buys some peanuts and crackerjacks and thinks about the future of Baseball in his country.

Andrew callously snubbed disabled athletes and caught the ire of disability advocate groups. Will he build a handicapable bridge to peace or will he take the staircase of eugenics to the top?

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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Thirty-Sixth Amendment - Where You Come From

We WILL find a new world order! But not this week. This week we discuss and/or argue about babies and how they are made. 

Sebastian deals with the scum of the earth, elected members of government.

Andrew tackles the issue of students doping to pass exams - will he lower the bar to pass or his standards on student drug use?

Zane deals with puritanical parents seeking to destroy sex education in schools. Will sex be kept between consenting people or will the government enter the bedroom?

The Confederacy of Andropolia | The United States of Sebmerica | The Democracy of Zanstralia

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Hosts: Sebastian Briguglio, Andrew Szosler & Zane C Weber

Recorded and Produced by Zane C Weber

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