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Small Town Dicks, The Memory Palace, The Penny Peepshow

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Small Town Dicks, The Memory Palace, The Penny Peepshow Castology - TNC

Hello, we are back with your weekly podcast recommendations!. Zane has a the Comedy audio fiction, Penny Peep Show, Liz brings dips back into the true-crime pool with Small Town Dicks and Pat brings us a Radiolab-adjacent podcast - The Memory Palace. And don't forget to stick around for our reviews of last weeks podcast at the end!

Liz Recommends - Small Town Dicks

This one was a listener submission and Liz is really glad it was bought to the table because she is now obsessed. "Small Town Dicks is a podcast about the big-time crime that’s happening in Small Town, USA. Each episode features the detectives who broke the case in their small town, and includes assets like jailhouse phone calls, suspect interviews and 9-1-1 calls. The show is anchored by veteran, identical-twin detectives Dan and Dave, and hosted by actress, Yeardley Smith." It also used to be hosted by Zibby Allen but she mysteriously disappeared from the podcast recently and there are conflicting reports as to why.

For Pat: Stolen

For Zane: Breach (or for either of you The Bitter End, Cut and Run, or Disgruntled if you feel like more murder/tough stories)

Pat Recommends - The Memory Palace

Thank you Radiolab for putting this little gem on my radar. Nate DiMeo began telling these little historical vignettes in 2008 and hasn't broken his stride since. They're like yummy, dainty time capsules that you can swallow whole. With your ears. Episodes release a couple of times a month, durate for about ten minutes, and are always a welcome site in my feed.

For Zane & Liz: A White Horse, Shipwreck Kelly, Local Channels, Distance

Zane Recommends - The Penny Peepshow

You know what is missing from the podcast-sphere? Sitcoms. Today Zane is bringing you one of the answers to that lack - The Penny Peepshow.

The Penny Peepshow presents a range of podcast-play series for your edification and delight. Featuring full-cast productions of original scripts that span the full spectrum of genre (while keeping it's roots firmly planted in comedy) this is a very charming podcast!

For Pat: Bert & Maggie: Victrionics

For Liz: The Devil's Bed & Breakfast: Episode 01

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